Sunday, November 26, 2000

Prayer and self-education

1. In light of the current situation, the Chief Rabbinate of Israel has called for Monday (tomorrow) 3pm. to be a special moment of prayer in Israel and around the world. It is the day before Rosh Chodesh, which is to be observed as "Yom Kippur Katan", and special penitential prayers will be said. A great many leading Rabbis around the country have joined the call for the day to be one of 1/2 day fast, increased learning, good deeds and charity.We are encouraged to congregate at the Western Wall, in our local Synagogues or if unable to join a congregation to pray alone. Psalm 121, emphasising that we rely on the Almighty, has been designated as particularly appropriate for for this trying period. If you can't get to a book of Psalms the following link will take you to the RSV translation of psalm 121 .

2. Birzeit University (The Palestinian University) Development Studies Program has conducted surveys amongst the Palestinians as to their views on the current situation. This is the second survey they have conducted. The above site will allow you to browse and gain your own impression. The detailed results are at the detailed results from the first survey are at


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