Developing Palestinian export markets
Dear Friends,
Europe has long invested in the, trying to improve the situation of the average Palestinian. European aid is aimed at improving civil institutions to provide proper governance and to develop economic opportunity; in short, an environment where the people will demand a path to prosperity and peace with its neighbours.
Unfortunately, the evidence is that most of the aid was diverted to corruption and violence. Few political or economic fruits flowered from the liberal flow of money and verbal fertilizer. The average Palestinian barely subsisted, let alone participated in any new and growing industries.
Materials captured by the IDF in Lebanon reveal that the Palestinians have finally found a successful export product. Indeed, one created by a home grown industry nurtured and encouraged by European taxpayer funded aid monies.
Hezbollah has learned from the Palestinians the value of hate material aimed at children. It uses colouring and picture/story books to instill the virtue of killing Jews and joining the "resistance" at an early age. Here is an example. A few crayons will add colour to Hezbollah soldiers crossing the border, abducting Israeli soldiers.
The Funding for Peace Coalition and Palestinian Media Watch have long documented the way internationally funded budgets of official Palestinian Authority institutions were used to ensure that education to terror starts early.
The headline in this morning's Israeli Yediot Aharonot newspaper announces the reward the Palestinians are receiving for this knowledge and skills transfer: "Hizbollah is preparing Hamas for a battle with Israel in Gaza."
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