Monday, August 21, 2006

UK appoints Iranian cats to watch the cream

Dear friends,

The Terror Finance blog has just posted an item that must be causing quite some embarrassment in the UK.  The blog focuses on the flow of British materiel to terrorists in Lebanon.  The story was broken by Mathew Kalman in the San Francisco Chronicle, but quickly found its way into slickly avoided Parliamentary questions. 

Special night vision goggles, were provided to the Iranian drug squad, so they could better curb the flow of drugs through its territory into Britain.  One has to admire the way in which the Iranian drug squad so effectively adopted the British sense of fair play.  We know that before a duel, the cultured Duke makes sure that his opponent is equally armed with a loaded pistol or the sword of his choice.  So, the Iranians handed the goggles straight over to Hezbollah's militants -who are classified by the UK as a proscribed terrorist organisation, and are  known to raise huge sums through the drug trade.  The Iranians certainly put some sportsmanship in the game.  Not to mention that Hezbollah also used the goggles and drug deals to gather intelligence before launching rockets onto innocent Israeli civilians. 

I wonder other European materiel Hezbollah uses in committing its war crimes?  At least we can be confident that it has good use for the "gift of 50 sets of body armour to the Iranian Counter-Narcotics border police .... to fight the trafficking of heroin and opiates," because "...60 per cent. of all heroin entering the UK transits Iran. Iran is actively involved in the fight against drug trafficking..." (as the UK Minister for the Middle East, Dr Kim Howells, so proudly detailed to his parliament  in March of this year).

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